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7 startups that make it possible to combine style & sustainability

7 startups that make it possible to combine style & sustainability

Sustainability is in fashion! At least since public events like the "Fridays for Future", also fashion brands got the message that everybody has to do its part to help the environment. However, whereas some big brands still struggle to make their impact, smaller fashion brands make sustainable products key part of their business model and a major component of their brand. Today we present seven start-ups that combine sustainability and fashion in a meaningful way.



AMBILETICS is a yoga and sports label from Munich focusing on sustainability. For the Ambiletics collection, founder Giulia Becker uses, among other things, recycled PET bottles. Although made of post-consumer plastics, the sports bras and leggings have an excellent fit and convince with colorful designs. Without doubt, these sports items guarantee a good mood when doing your yoga workout in the morning.



Anekdot shows its customers that sustainability can also be hot! For their stylish underwear, Anekdot makes use of upcycled materials, which means that the fabrics originate from the waste of other manufacturers. Apart from the sustainable materials, all items are made by hand under fair working conditions.


The next startup has a very unique and cool approach. From discarded mainsails, Coa Goa produces stylish bags. This way, each bag has and tells its completely own story. Kudos! This is a very impressive project!



HEJHEJ-MATS combines yoga with design and environmental awareness. hejhej has created a yoga mat made of recycled materials. What's particularly cool about it is that when the mat is finally no longer usable, the mat itself can be re-recycled - perhaps even into a new yoga mat.



LEIT & HELD focuses on sustainable and fair leather goods. The cows living in Southern Germany are kept in a natural way on organic farms for the meat and dairy industry. Along the production process, LEIT & HELD works exclusively with small family business and all of the leather stems from animals that have been respectfully slaughtered.

Maravillas Bags

Maravillas Bags is focusing on a completely different trend. All bags from the young brand are made from textile alternatives to leather. One highlight are the popular bags made of Pinatex (pineapple leather).  The vegan leather alternative comes from the leaves of the pineapple plant. 



Phyne, a label from Mannheim, Germany, focuses on high-quality, durable and sustainably produced fashion basics. The raw materials of the company are as sustainable as possible, as is the value chain. All products are "made in Germany".